Chief Justice John Roberts couldn't conceal his contempt for a map that gave fair representation to Black Louisianians.
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I am usually hands-off with my wife’s kids but I can’t stand the snotty attitude my stepdaughter has been giving her mother lately. She calls when she wants money and screams when we can’t give it to ...
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The National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Department of Agriculture—basically any ...
I can’t imagine why on earth you’d want to let this go. This was an upsetting and humiliating private experience turned ...
No dancing, soccer, or gymnastics like her sisters and the other girls do. She spends her free time drawing, reading, and ...
My husband “Simon” and I have been married for five years. Three months ago, we welcomed our daughter, “Eva,” who is the joy ...
The rise of direct action against weapons suppliers has led to arrests, prison time, and terrorism charges. Critics say it’s ...
The spill occurred when Exxon Valdez, an oil supertanker owned by Exxon Shipping Company, bound for Long Beach, California, ...
I’m a lesbian in my mid-20s, and I have been with my partner for about two and a half years now. We are non-monogamous (we ...
My father-in-law is a wonderful, caring man who would have, in another reality, made a phenomenal grandfather, and I mourn ...