The International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade is being observed today ...
In the book, “Slavery After Slavery," Dr. Mary Frances Berry, who is an acclaimed historian, educator and activist, writes about the court cases of several children who were forced to work and ...
Here are three recent graphic novels that can help us to remember resistance against slavery. They follow in the footsteps of ...
Muhammad Syafi’i remembers screaming in pain as hot cooking oil splashed across his stomach and dripped down his legs, his ...
Ed Miliband has been accused of turning a blind eye to modern slavery in order to appease China. The Energy Secretary has ...
A new poll commissioned by The Repair Campaign shows a gulf in public knowledge about Britain’s role in transatlantic slavery ...
The World Poetry Day celebration in Nigeria was organized by Providus Bank in conjunction with Professor Soyinka. While ...
Even encountering African Christian communities, Europeans labeled local practices as heretical, justifying colonization and ...
A Ugandan and United Nations judge was convicted in Britain on Thursday of forcing a young woman to work as a slave while she ...
A British jury has convicted a United Nations judge of forcing a young woman to work as a slave after tricking her into ...
It is important not to forget the "atrocities the British Empire was involved in," a playwright has said as her debut hit ...
LOS ANGELES (KCBS/KCAL) - A group of fishermen is accusing Bumble Bee Foods, one of the largest tuna importers, of slavery.