The Religion News Service article makes depressing but instructive reading, from its use of the queer pastors’ picture, to ...
An institution serious about remediating a critical problem would not have addressed it in such an unserious manner.” ...
These professing Christians cloak liberal activism in a thin veneer of Christianese, ultimately posing a greater risk than ...
The northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita) is an extravagant waterbird adapted to forage in dry, open habitats, and is ...
It’s a busy season for the court, with numerous cases addressing issues of church and state, many brought by Christian legal ...
Franz Ferdinand rocks the Wiltern, the Dr. Strangelove stage play comes to movie theaters, a cruise-in at the Peterson, ...
Southern Baptists gather for vote that could ban churches with women pastors Voting representatives have gathered in Indianapolis for the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting and are ...
Marie Columna, 43, said she’s “still afraid” of Sergio Guardia, 49, a minister at the renowned Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia.
The U.S. State Department Wednesday commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Biological Weapons Convention, an agreement ...
In a recent Fox News appearance, Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church repeatedly thanked God for the president after ...
Gov. Bill Lee rolled out a $343 million amendment. That brings his total budget proposal this year to $59.76 billion.