Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai flogged himself six times Friday morning. In a shocking video shared by news agency ANI, Mr Annamalai stands, shirtless in a green lungi, with a large whip in his ...
Tamil Nadu BJP president K Annamalai protested against the DMK government, accusing it of failing to protect Anna University students and leaking a victim's personal details. Criticizing the lack ...
BJP state president K Annamalai whipped himself six times in Coimbatore to protest against the DMK government's handling of the Anna University sexual assault case. He demanded justice for the ...
Tamil Nadu Bharatiya Janata Party president K Annamalai on Friday whipped himself outside his residence in Coimbatore to protest "continuous injustice" in the state. Targeting the Dravida Munnetra ...
To criticise the state government and Police for their "apathy" in handling the sexual assault case of a student of Anna University, K Annamalai, Tamil Nadu BJP president flogged himself outside ...
Chennai: State BJP president K Annamalai whipped himself in public outside his house in Coimbatore on Friday morning in the presence of his supporters, some of whom rushed in and stopped him from ...
Image Source : PTI K Annamalai whips himself in protest outside his house. Tamil Nadu Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) unit president, K Annamalai on Friday in a unique mark of protest resorted to ...
Condemning the sexual assault of a girl student at the Anna University campus in Chennai, Annamalai had on Thursday removed his shoes during a press conference in Coimbatore. COIMBATORE ...
Clad in green dhoti, a bare-chested Annamalai took a whip from his party worker and whipped himself repeatedly, in front of his residence here, as the BJP members stood around him displaying ...
COIMBATORE: BJP Tamil Nadu state president K Annamalai on Thursday accused police of trying to shame the Anna University student, who was sexually assaulted, by revealing her identity in the FIR ...
Dressed in a traditional green mundu and shirtless, Annamalai used a long white whip to flog himself, a spectacle that was accompanied by BJP supporters holding placards with slogans such as ...
Annamalai on Friday (December 27, 2024) flogged himself in front of his house in Coimbatore, barefoot. Mr. Annamalai stood before journalists and thousands of party workers and whipped himself six ...