Experts have expressed concerns that disruptions to treatment will allow the bacteria to further mutate to new, untreatable ...
As a result, tuberculosis has mostly lost the attention of the rich world. Not so for the world's poorer half, where ...
If global tuberculosis funding isn't restored, years of progress could be lost, mortality rates may rise and tuberculosis ...
THE World Health Organisation (WHO) is calling for urgent action to prevent a global setback in the fight against ...
Ahead of World Tuberculosis Day on 24 March, the WHO has said that global funding cuts are curtailing efforts to fight the ...
In President Trump’s 90-minute speech to Congress on March 4th, he spent only a mere five and a half minutes on foreign ...
Medical researchers in South Africa are in limbo as they wait to hear whether over R800 million in research grants from the United States National Institutes of Health will be terminated. South Africa ...