Tenants at risk of homelessness cannot be assessed for purchase scheme due to lack of clarity on Government funding ...
Usually, an employee's salary structure has HRA as one of its components. A salaried employee can claim tax exemption on HRA ...
TurboTenant explains that, in most cases, people who rent out rooms in their homes do not think of themselves as "landlords" ...
Landlords have a right to choose who lives in their property, but those rights aren’t absolute.
More than 100 tenants facing homelessness in Dublin are awaiting confirmation of their eligibility for the Tenant-in-Situ ...
In the aftermath of a historic tornado outbreak that left trees uprooted, vehicles without windows, and homes leveled, ...
Court documents obtained by Us on Saturday, March 22, showed that King, 45, was sued by her landlord Sheila Irani in January.
In the response, Finkelstein also said that he invested nearly $1 million in repairs, and disputes claims of tenants being ...
Jaime King was reportedly forced to move out of her rental home after a legal dispute with her landlord. King, 45, was sued ...
Jaime King was reportedly forced to move out of her rental home after a legal dispute with her landlord. King, 45, was sued ...
We had a very full Cabinet agenda last Thursday. As well as agreeing our bus service improvement plan, new red routes for Queens Road and part ...