The unusual facts won’t help you on a test ... Keep going for a mix of dumb animal facts, obscure history, and stuff so random you’ll wonder how anyone found it out in the first place.
The animal world is full of amazing creatures. Whether it’s giant panda fertility, wombat droppings, or mammals with toxic ...
Here’s one for your weird nature facts: the red parasol moss Splachnum rubrum grows only on moose poop. This pretty little moss, less attractively known as dung moss, makes its life on animal ...
The strange physiology of these short limbs has given rise to several competing hypotheses about the ancient animal's behavior. The small limbs' orientation may have made them useless for ...
That's one of the largest size differences between males and females—called sexual size dimorphism—in the animal kingdom ... Another unusual aspect of the blanket octopus: It’s immune ...