We all sometimes make mistakes when speaking or writing. Here, some of the common grammar mistakes people make and how to ...
And in this instance, the opposite of “good” is not “bad,” but simply “not good.” Since “well” is also an adjective meaning “healthy,” “I am well” is also a possible response. The writer is a ...
An idea can be a thought or suggestion. There are some words that we often use together. These are called collocations. Learn some of the verbs that we often use with the noun 'idea' with Neil in this ...
The lesson of President Trump’s executive orders, effectively declaring an end to the lunacy of the transgender movement, is ...
For someone who grew up with Bengali and English, learning Japanese is a fresh and bracing experience, writes Baizid ...
In the fake sequence, the television host introduced himself as 'Special Director Pollywog' who entrusts a fictional mission to Cruise.
Hope is the feeling of wanting and expecting something to happen. There are some words that we often use together. These are called collocations. Learn some of the verbs that we often use with the ...
Many people mix up the words woman and women. The key difference is that woman refers to a single female, while women refers ...
IN last week's column, we looked at how inverted sentences allow us to abandon the normal subject-verb-complement (S-V/C) ...
The French language has two different words for doctor, and despite some French people using them interchangeably, they do in ...
From spicy foods to spicy words, Bikolanos have a way of switching up to an entirely different set of words in moments of ...
Discover the modern phrases that make Boomers want to run—whether that's from family dinners or corporate boardrooms.