Plans to secure PGI (protected geographical indication) status for boxty are at a stalemate with the Department of Food ...
More than a decade ago, metal detectorists Reg Mead and Richard Miles unearthed what proved to be the world's largest Iron ...
BOOM! Studios unveils a preview for the upcoming sequel to its acclaimed young adult fantasy series, The Last Witch.
Orthodox Christian 7 Bodhi Day Buddhist celebration of the Enlightenment of Buddha ... Confucian / Daoist / Buddhist February 1 Imbolc A Wiccan and pagan holiday sometimes referred to as Candlemas or ...
According to legend, the majestic River Boyne that weaves its way through Ireland’s ancient east was once a beautiful goddess ...
She was honored on the mid-winter holy day of Imbolc, still commemorated on Feb. 1, which also became St. Brigid's Day. (Like Groundhog Day, Imbolc marks the approximate midpoint between the ...