An absolute laserbeam, the XM4 will serve you well with minimal investment. If you’re a one-gun-and-done type of player, then the best Model L loadout will serve you well whether you’re at ...
The Ames 85 has become the de facto Ranked Play AR after basically everything else (like the XM4 and Model L) was banned. It offers really solid accuracy with a good fire rate, and is excellent at ...
The GTA Online Gun Van is constantly changing location from deserted parking lots to secluded alleyways, as it travels around Los Santos and Blaine County to stay off the radar of any rival arms ...
Whether it’s your granddad’s single-shot shotgun that plan on passing down to your own kids or a brand new long-range shooting rifle that you spent far more on than you care to admit ...
If you’re looking for a fast-killing Warzone Assault Rifle but you’re bored of using the Black Ops 6 weapons, this surprising MW3 rifle actually has the best TTK in the entire category.
The Gun Van in GTA Online is your one-stop shop for some of the best weapons in the game — but to get them, you’ll need to know where it’s located, as it moves around on a daily basis.
Mastery camos become available once you have unlocked Military camos and the two Special camos for a gun. Once you’ve completed the specific challenges, these unlock in order, starting with ...