Two adult bobcats have joined a cougar cub as the first residents of the new Cougar Crossing exhibit at Birmingham Zoo.
Two kittens, believed to be between 7 and 9 weeks old, were photographed by a motorist in the western Upper Peninsula ...
After cougar cubs were verified in March in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, biologists say it's only a matter of time before the ...
Cougar cubs were recently spotted in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, becoming the first verified cougar cub sighting in over ...
State biologists on Wednesday, March 12, confirmed the existence of two cougar cubs on private land in Ontonagon County in ...
Last week, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources announced that two cougar cubs were photographed by an Ontonogan County resident, marking the first confirmed sighting of cougars in Michigan in ...
The Birmingham Zoo staff are continuing to work with the new cub to help her acclimate to her new home. Since she was part of a group of kittens from birth, the Birmingham Zoo is working to find ...
It’s pretty exciting, considering this could be the first known cougar reproduction in modern times in the western Great ...
By Betsy Bloom Iron Mountain Daly News The recent news that cougar cubs had turned up in the Upper Peninsula — Michigan’s ...
Two adult bobcats have joined a cougar cub as the first residents of the new Cougar Crossing exhibit, which opens today at The Birmingham Zoo. Larry and Phyllis Wojciechowski, who donated $1 ...
'We want people to learn about the animals that are here': Birmingham Zoo opens cougar exhibit The Wojciechowski Cougar Crossing opened this week with a cougar cub and two bobcats. Another cougar cub ...
Humankind has driven many animals to extinction, from mammoths and thylacines to passenger pigeons. However, some species ...