California governor Gavin Newsom just killed the most significant AI safety legislation in the United States. His veto of SB ...
Last week, Kamala Harris unveiled a woefully inadequate plan to increase investment in industry through tax credits. Workers’ ...
This month, Sri Lanka elected an avowedly left-wing president for the first time. The new administration will be caught ...
Liberal critics would love to banish the specter of Karl Marx from political discourse. But his ghost will haunt them for as ...
Francis Ford Coppola was once a real cinematic titan creating indelible experiences at the movies. But Megalopolis, his ...
The new Dutch government has declared an “asylum crisis,” allowing it to take emergency antimigration measures without ...
Israeli officials have cited a need to “escalate to de-escalate” as motivation for their ongoing assault on Lebanon. This ...
The famous Operation Dixie campaign to unionize the South in the 1940s was mostly unsuccessful. Still, it left a positive ...
Australia is the canary in the coal mine for sports betting, and Americans should pay attention to the destruction the ...
Head of one of the biggest far-left groups in 1970s Britain, Gerry Healy was accused of rape and sexual abuse. A new ...
Today marks 16 years since Hindu supremacists bombed a marketplace in Malegaon, India, in an anti-Muslim terror attack. The ...
Austria’s Communist Party hasn’t had an MP since 1959. But after years showing its worth in bread-and-butter local campaigns, ...