An 18-year-old, who had performed sexual acts on her three-year-old brother in Vienna on April 10, 2024, filmed them and ...
Schlechte Nachrichten in Sachen Stadtbudget zum Auftakt des Wiener Wahljahres: Das Defizit könnte heuer statt der im Voranschlag prognostizierten 2,2 Mrd. Euro auf 3,8 Mrd. Euro wachsen.
Eine 18-Jährige, welche am 10. April 2024 in Wien an ihrem dreijährigen Bruder geschlechtliche Handlungen vorgenommen, diese ...
Der am vergangenen Dienstag am Wiener Landesgericht im Zweifel erfolgte Freispruch für einen 17-Jährigen, dem ursprünglich ...
The acquittal, which took place last Tuesday at the Vienna Regional Court due to doubt, for a 17-year-old who was originally ...
Mit dem Start der letzten Bauphase auf der Wiener Augartenbrücke, kommt es in der kommenden Woche zu Verkehrsmaßnahmen.
"Up Close" is the title of an album by the artist Udo Jürgens, who passed away in 2014. Thanks to an online auction at ...
Im ÖVP-Verhandlerteam für eine Koalition mit der FPÖ sind nun unter anderem Bauernbund-Präsident Georg Strasser und Neo-Generalsekretär Alexander Pröll zu finden.
Bad news regarding the city budget at the start of the Viennese election year: The deficit could grow from the forecasted 2.2 billion euros to 3.8 billion euros this year.
Unknown business people are apparently trying to make a profit from tickets purchased on a large scale ahead of the Eurovision Song Contest.
A 38-year-old Nigerian national is alleged to have knocked down and injured an 83-year-old passerby on the head during a dispute in Vienna-Mariahilf yesterday.
A 38-year-old Nigerian national is alleged to have knocked down and injured an 83-year-old passerby on the head during a ...