High emotions during the immunity challenge lead longtime host Jeff Probst to shed a few tears of his own. Here's what ...
Previously on Survivor 48, Jeff Probst brought the first twist of the season with the well-known phrase, "Drop your buffs." ...
Wow, this has never happened,” Jeff Probst said while crying on camera for the first time in 48 seasons in the March 26 ...
"We put more time and energy and thought into getting this scene right than anything I can ever remember." I love lying and ...
You all know I have been hardcore team Joe and Eva ever since I met them a few days before the season began. Our talks ...
During a challenge this week, one of our players, Eva, began to struggle. At first glance, it may have looked like exhaustion ...
Survivor’ contestants often ask host Jeff Probst for a hug after a big immunity challenge win, but they haven’t bathed in ...
The host and executive producer says that all 125 crew members working on the reality series that day were 'impacted' by what ...
Survivor’s new era has been no stranger to emotional backstories and personal struggles, but for the first time in the show’s ...
Something truly out of the ordinary goes down on Season 48, Episode 5 of Survivor, so extraordinary that it just might bring ...
The new episode of Survivor 48 brings host Jeff Probst to tears. A teaser for Survivor 48, Episode 5 hints at an emotional ...
Survivor 48, Episode 5 had an intense Reward Challenge and an emotional Immunity Challenge. Here's a recap and who went home ...