In the Brussels bubble, many believe that this is ... the Google Pay system and Google Search's self-preferences, while in Apple, the Commission believes that its App Store "violates the Digital ...
Now, a month on, prosecutors in Belgium are reported to have appointed an investigative judge to probe the case. A decision is said to still be decided on in France. Apple has said it ‘strongly ...
La compagnie aérienne belge accepte désormais le suivi de bagages via AirTag, la balise Bluetooth d'Apple. En novembre ...
Belgium has started a criminal probe into allegations Apple (AAPL) knowingly sourced “blood minerals” from the Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, in what lawyers for the country have called a ...
Belgium has started a criminal probe into allegations that Apple has knowingly sourced “blood minerals” from the Democratic Republic of Congo, in what lawyers for the central African country have ...
Pour l'instant, Bruxelles dit n'avoir reçu aucune plainte sur la future politique de confidentialité d'Apple, contrairement aux Etats-Unis où Facebook s'apprêterait à attaquer Apple en ...
In December, it filed criminal charges against Apple in France and Belgium over the alleged conflict minerals. The public prosecutor's office in the kingdom has now commissioned an investigating ...
La tension monte entre Apple et Bruxelles au sujet de l’ajout d’applications pornographiques en Europe. Le lundi 3 janvier ...