I am responding to the column by Tom Tillett that was published in the Feb. 2 Sunday LNP | LancasterOnline (“Taking a clear-eyed look at the entitlement state and the national debt”).
So, you’re dealing with unpaid invoices and thinking it’s time to send a collection letter. It’s not just about reminding ...
In a recent column, Victor Joecks expressed his opinion regarding the reduction of the U.S. birth rate. He notes that couples are having children later in life. This not new and has been occurring ...
Similarly does Jim Veltri’s Feb. 2 letter to the editor. However, that is fake news. In the video of the press conference, Mr. Trump clearly said DEI “may have” contributed to the air crash.
*Refers to the latest 2 years of stltoday.com stories. Cancel anytime. Regarding "Push to scrap income tax in Missouri raises questions about replacement revenue" (Feb. 5): As a former resident of ...
To the Editor: Growing up in central Illinois in the 1960s, we celebrated both Abraham Lincoln’s and George Washington’s birthdays in February. Children took class trips to Lincoln’s home ...
There may be good reasons for taxing some goods coming into the U.S. but we should be prudent about it. However, the level and breadth of the tariffs now being assigned by President Trump are not ...
Re: “DEI will not be missed in the United States military” (Page A9, Feb. 2). Bret Stephens notes that, under DEI, physical fitness standards have been lowered for women in military combat ...
The 2-year trial using NDPERS, is complete. RESULTS: negligible premium increase of 12 cents, no increase in utilization with over 2000 insulin prescriptions. NDPERS recommendation: IN SUPPORT for ...
We’re $36 trillion (that’s $36,000,000,000,000.00) in debt, a number that increases by about $100,000 every two seconds. That’s $323,000 for every taxpayer. I’ve checked behind the couch c ...