The white-throated needletail was long considered the fastest flier, but the bird, or any other avian, is not. The ...
The company recently announced a $240 million fundraising round and a new CEO to support Shield AI’s next phase of growth.
For years it was thought that the main reason bats don’t fly in the rain is because the mass of rain droplets is obstructing their flight. A study from Costa Rica says otherwise. The study ...
but it is not known is they regularly prey upon smaller species of bats. The flight of the hoary bat is more linear, and less erratic than that of many bats, averaging 14-21 km/hr (9-13 mph), but ...
The commonly named "flying!' squirrels and "flying" lemurs actually glide or parachute by means of a furred membrane, but only bats have the structural adaptations that allow for full powered flight.
This topsy-turvy behavior may result from the evolutionary journey bats took toward flight, said Tara Hohoff, a bat biologist and the coordinator of the Illinois Bat Conservation Program.
possibly to accommodate flight in some way. For Lutz, this meant collecting and analyzing hundreds of fecal samples from bats and birds from a range of ecosystems. This involved rooting through ...
This photo shows bats returning to Frio Cave near Conan, Texas, in the early morning. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert!
If you are lucky, or know where to look, you might have seen at least one of the UK’s 18 species of bats shooting through the sky between dusk and dawn. They feed largely on the wing, specially ...