There are some large limbs hanging too low over my patio that I need to address before spring. Can I just prune these ...
Two people tragically lost their lives when a tree unexpectedly fell onto the road as they were heading to school. The ...
Identifying a dominant leader and cutting away any competing leaders when a tree is young will allow it to grow more robustly ...
The dashcam captured the moment when the electric bike was tripped by a tree branch in the middle of the road. After the fall ...
There is a right way to prune trees and if done improperly, there could be irreparable damage to the tree. During these ...
The final part of our best-new-plants-of-2025 series concludes with a look at some of the top new trees and shrubs debuting ...
Thought you were all done with gardening chores for the winter? Not so fast. Now is the perfect time to prune your trees and ...
Can I reduce the height of my apple trees so all the fruit is within reach without a ladder? Is this a good time to prune apple and other fruit trees?
Pink flowering trees create a focal point in the garden, offering outstanding color and eye-catching blooms. These trees also ...
Through the years, I have often been asked what is your favorite season to be in the woods? I always respond the fall when I ...
Here are some very important things to consider before (choosing) and planting a new tree, especially large trees such as ...
Instead, wait until after the holidays to begin thinking about how you want to prune the crepe myrtles in your garden. "The ...