Emma Briggs, a beef cattle systems specialist, said selecting the right bull is one of the most important decisions a cattle ...
The bulls are all spring yearlings and will be approximately 15 months of age at turnout and accordingly should be expected ...
The animal’s story has been compared to that of Buddy the beefalo, who spent about eight months on the lam after escaping a Plymouth slaughterhouse.
Move over golden doodles, miniature bull dogs and all kinds of felines, miniature cows, sometimes called pasture puppies, are ...
A healthy cattle market benefitted the recent Western Illinois University School of Agriculture’s 53rd Annual Bull Test Sale.
A calf might be a very different colour to the bull or cow he or she grows up to be. Rosamund Young has witnessed the youngsters’ skin tones altering as they mature: “They do seem to change ...
It’s not what we normally think of when we hear “AI,” but it’s just as revolutionary, especially for rural producers. When ...
A cow at Ashton Creek Farm in Iowa defied 1-in-105,000 odds by giving birth to healthy triplets, while one in North Dakota birthed a set of quintuplets.