Avec des prix qui ne cessent d’augmenter, le mois du Ramadan devient, chaque année, un défi supplémentaire pour les Marocains. Si les consommateurs subissent cette inflation, les experts appellent à u ...
Rabat - Le Centre Marocain de Conjoncture (CMC) a annoncé la parution de sa récente publication mensuelle "Maroc Conjoncture" n°376, un spécial intitulé "L’agriculture marocaine : Défis et mesures de ...
A fin 2024, le résultat opérationnel avant amortissements (EBITDA) ajusté consolidé du Groupe Maroc Telecom s'établit à 19 ...
With its inaugural Marketing Vitality Index, the CMO Council has amassed a data lake’s worth of statistics and insights from myriad sources to help marketers navigate through what promises to be a ...
Former Detroit Police Chief James Craig, who led the force from 2013 to 2021, took the first legal steps in declaring a run for mayor by forming an exploratory committee. Former Detroit Police ...
LAKEWOOD, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AdAction, a leader in performance-driven mobile marketing, is proud to announce the promotion of Max Shill to Chief Operating Officer (COO). In his new role ...
Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara has announced that ISA chief Ronen Bar cannot be fired without her position on the matter being requested. A letter from Deputy Attorney General Gil Limon read ...
Le pays fait face à sa septième année consécutive de sécheresse, ce qui a entraîné une diminution du cheptel de 38 % en un an. Un mouton, au Maroc, en 2015. MOHAMMED BLYDA / CC BY SA 4.0 ...
Eli Lilly LLY.N plans to spend at least $27 billion to build four new manufacturing plants in the U.S., the drugmaker said at a Washington press conference on Wednesday, as it grapples with the ...
The head of the Forest Service announced Wednesday that he will retire and expressed “frustration” over the Trump administration’s staff cuts. In a resignation letter posted online, Forest ...
Forest Service Chief Randy Moore will retire effective March 3, according to an email sent to agency staff Wednesday and viewed by POLITICO. Moore wrote in his staff email that the past several ...