Immersive art experiences transform how audiences interact with creativity, and legal experts on Monday discussed how copyright law is protecting these dynamic works of art. At a South by ...
The group, Spinning Wampum, previewed a satiric play about the Casco Bay Treaty and has plans to artistically demonstrate how the city is 'undeniably Wabanaki space.' “The story I’m about to ...
and Parris Law Firm, filed a mass tort lawsuit against Southern California Edison (SCE), alleging the power company was responsible for the Eaton Fire, which has claimed over 7,000 structures and ...
Rodgers, in the Northern District of Florida, was assigned earlier this month to oversee the multidistrict litigation alleging that Depo-Provera, an injectable birth control, was linked to brain ...
This is Volume 1, Issue No. 2 of Spencer’s Art Law Journal. This issue contains two essays, which will become available by posting on Arnet, September through November 2010. As noted in Issue No. 1 of ...
The National Law Review is not a law firm nor is intended to be a referral service for attorneys and/or other professionals. The NLR does not wish, nor does it intend ...
Amid a churning AI market and increasing anxiety about the role of AI in the creation of works of art, the U.S. government has set a strong benchmark: If a human isn't involved, it's not worth ...
For questions about this page, please email the Office for Law Student Affairs. Complete an Online Exit Survey: Complete this survey to provide important commencement information, bar exam plans, and ...
Criminal law solicitors will help you if you are suspected or accused of a crime. When the police allege that you have committed a criminal offence, solicitors can represent you to make sure your ...
We can provide you with a strong legal education, challenging you not only to understand the law, but also to learn how to debate this to analyse its application to given situations and to apply your ...