Daniel Khalife, 23, sparked a nationwide manhunt after clinging to the underside of a food delivery lorry to break out of the Category B jail on 6 September last year. He evaded capture for three ...
Daniel Khalife, 23, had sparked a nationwide manhunt after clinging to the underside of lorry to break out of jail in September last year. He was on the run for three days, when he was found ...
Start your Independent Premium subscription today. Watch as former soldier Daniel Khalife was sentenced on Monday, 3 February, for spying for Iran and escaping from prison. Jurors at Woolwich ...
Daniel Khalife, 23, was convicted in November of violating the Official Secrets Act and Terrorism Act for providing restricted and classified material to Iran. “As a young man you had the ...
El tudtuk volna képzelni tíz éve, hogy Simicska Lajosé lesz 35 évre a teljes magyar gyorsforgalmi úthálózat? Hogy az ország második legnagyobb bankjában tulajdont szerez? Vagy hogy alig lehet úgy nyar ...
Start your Independent Premium subscription today. Former soldier Daniel Khalife has been branded a “dangerous fool” by a judge imprisoning him for more than 14 years for escaping from prison ...
Daniel Khalife has been sentenced to 14 years and three months in prison after spying for Iran and escaping from HMP Wandsworth The judge sentencing Khalife said the ex-British Army soldier "took ...
Former British soldier Daniel Khalife has been jailed for 14 years and three months for spying for Iran and escaping from Wandsworth prison. Khalife collected information and passed it to Tehran ...
475 kilométert mutat a szövegkiemelő filcnél is élénkebb zöld Porsche 918 Spyder órája, de ezen senki sem csodálkozik. Ezeket a szupersportautókat nem szokás használni, csak kivárni azt a pillanatot, ...
1956-ban ezen a napon állt forgalomba London ikonikus piros emeletes busza, a Routemaster. A London Transport tervezte jármű ...
Feszült és harcos meccsen van túl a Kecskeméti TE, mely a ZTE ellen kezdte a tavaszi szezont. A küzdelmes meccset Pálinkás ...
Új polgármestere van a 420 fős kistelepülésnek, Vasasszonyfának: Pál Andrea elkötelezett és elszánt a falu és a kultúra ...