A racing heart is a common symptom of anxiety. To relieve this, practice deep breathing exercises, which can help calm the nervous system and lower your heart rate. Feeling restless or unable to ...
Nearly 20% of American adults reported having an anxiety disorder in the past year, data shows — and many are more likely to feel uneasy and anxious as the sun sets. While "sunset anxiety" isn ...
According to the doctors at the Baton Rouge Clinic in Louisiana, a good way to shift your focus away from anxiety is to “try the 5-4-3-2-1 coping technique.” After taking slow, deep, long breaths, ...
Research has long suggested that, for many people, anxiety symptoms spike and mental health otherwise suffers at night. A 2022 study labeled this phenomenon the “mind after midnight hypothesis ...
If you’ve ever had a strong coffee on an empty stomach and immediately felt the beginnings of a panic attack, you know food can impact your mental health. The foods we fuel our bodies with ...
“The pressure to perform in a festive environment, combined with the potential for awkward encounters or family tensions, can make people with social anxiety feel overwhelmed and vulnerable ...