Predictably, there have been more reactions to this column on my assertion that John the Baptist received and gave to mankind the great Revelation generally referred to as the Revelation of John.
It is enheartening, indeed uplifting, seeing readers demonstrating alertness on what they read which is not on politics, afterall man shall ...
If you have ever struggled to wrap your mind around the biblical doctrine of election predestination , you are not alone ...
most of the "Seven Cities of Revelation" (Rev 2-3); ancient center in Pergamum Ephesus - major Pauline missionary base in mid-50's (Eph; 1Cor 15:32; 16:8; 1Tim 1:3; Acts 18:19-19:41; 20:16-38 ...
The Council of Ephesus (431) attributed to Mary the title ... revealed," meaning that it is contained implicitly in divine Revelation. It may be understood as the logical conclusion of Mary's ...
Several false teachings plagued the church in Ephesus, and Paul addressed the ... culture of the time of authorship rather than divine revelation. It remains a contentious issue.
To the Christians in Ephesus he wrote: “How the mystery was made known to me by revelation, as I have written briefly. When you read this you can perceive my insight into the mystery of Christ.… ...
We called it “Killer Hill.” All throughout the winter, we’d pull our sleds behind us, through the woods on our summer bike ...
I am John of Patmos. My claim to fame is the tantalizing Book of Revelation which consists of my letters to the seven Churches I ministered to in Asia Minor. You need recall only that of Ephesus which ...