You might think that Vanessa Severo's “Frida...A Self Portrait” is a portrait of the iconic 20th-century female Mexican ...
Last week, the Morton Auction House put up for auction a bunch of unpublished photographs of Frida Kahlo's funeral and the farewell given to her by the Mexican people on July 13 and 14, 1954, when her ...
In December, Mexican architect Frida Escobedo became the first woman and youngest architect to be commissioned to design a wing of the 154-year-old Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Popularly ...
Installation view of Frida Kahlo, “The Two Fridas” (1939) at the Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City (all photos Debra Brehmer/Hyperallergic, unless otherwise noted) Success! Your account was ...
A new restaurant called Kahlo & Loyal is opening soon at 5608 17th Ave NW. Kahlo & Loyal chef and owner Sheldon Raju grew up in Durban, South Africa. He says the time he spent with his grandfather at ...
The innovative movie, available to stream on Amazon Prime, is hailed as the first documentary to be entirely told through the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo’s own words. Director Carla Gutierrez ...
A team from the Guttmann Institute concluded that Kahlo's symptoms—including intense back pain, leg pain, and loss or alteration of sensitivity in the lower body—could be attributed to ...