Barry was a part of six side missions in GTA 5 and met all three protagonists ... Rockstar could have added a prison break mission for Niko Bellic, where he helps Elizabeta Torres flee.
A frankly mind-boggling mod for Grand Theft Auto 5 has ported over and remastered Liberty City from Grand Theft Auto4, giving players a chance to revisit everywhere Niko tore up. And yes ...
CJ in 'San Andreas' seeks redemption and family unity, while Niko in 'GTA IV' battles disillusionment and revenge. Michael and Trevor in 'GTA V' confront past betrayals and abandonment ...
Lester is the mastermind of the largest heists in GTA V. He runs the underworld despite ... fan-loved characters in the series. Roman Bellic, Niko's cousin, is one of the most tragic and relatable ...