Wesley Hill’s small volume about Easter is a beautiful and useful invitation to be shocked anew by the central event of our faith.
Easter is fast approaching. Here's a look at why the date of Easter changes every year and what to know about the holiday.
‘The tomb ... he goes before you.’ Christ indeed from death is risen, our new life obtaining. Have mercy, victor King, ever reigning! Amen. Alleluia” (Easter sequence). “If Christ has ...
He is not here, for He has been raised just as He ... greatest event of our faith. Seeing the empty tomb, the disciples were motivated to seek the Risen Lord at work in their midst.
Worshippers on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter ... governor Pontius Pilate, he’s crucified on a hill outside the city walls and buried in a rock-cut tomb nearby. The traditional location ...
The story takes place on the first Easter Sunday ... away from Jerusalem just as reports about an empty tomb are beginning to circulate. The risen Christ appears and begins to walk alongside ...
Discover why the death and resurrection of Jesus is the core of the Christian faith and the key to our salvation.
It’s the resurrection and its power we celebrate on Easter Sunday ... to Sunday unless they truly believed he was risen? The tomb was empty. And look at the impact the message He is Risen has had on ...
In Greece, Orthodox Easter is celebrated with an entire ... The crowd offers the salutation “Christós Anésti” (Christ has risen) to each other, which is responded to with the phrase “Alithós Anésti” ...
It’s the resurrection and its power we celebrate each Easter Sunday ... to Sunday unless they truly believed he was risen? The tomb was empty. And look at the impact the message He is Risen has had on ...