The racial spells Drow get can also make a significant difference; Dancing Lights isn’t great, but Faerie Fire and Darkness are both solid options for a Cleric ... from Wood Half-Elves, whose ...
While encompassing such a vague and subjective experience as "beauty," there really isn't a wrong way to play a cleric of Sune, as long as you do so passionately. The drow mother of light ...
Half-Elves offer the best of both Human and ... can pick other deities for Cleric Drow are seen as the 'evil' elves of Baldur's Gate 3, with many NPCs automatically viewing the player as a danger ...
Create unique characters like a DIY Githzerai or a Dragonborn Tempest Cleric for a personalized D&D experience. Explore different character concepts like a Lolth-sworn drow or an Elturel Refugee ...