Every Episode of Destiny 2 brings new Artifact mods, balance changes, and exotics that shake up the meta; here's what to run ...
Make your Arc builds in Destiny 2 Episode Heresy even better with this perktastic powerhouse Heavy Grenade Launcher.
Maintenance periods in Destiny 2 are common before major updates, and server issues seem to be almost as constant. The ...
Both Act 2 of Episode Heresy and Guardian Games drop unique weapons old and new, each with their respective god rolls and ...
The upcoming Warhammer tabletop RPG promises all the drama and action of the Horus Heresy novels - learn more in our ...
The first Act of Destiny 2’s latest Episode, Heresy, was packed with content. From the new roguelite activity to a new dungeon, Exotic mission, and Trials of Osiris revamp. While it was a lot to go ...
Destiny 2 has long been avoiding one highly requested feature, and Heresy Act 2 further proves how badly it's needed.
Bungie accidentally launched Rite of Nine for Destiny 2 early, complete with unfinished rewards and everything.
Destiny 2's Heresy has been great for buildcrafting so far, but Bungie may have gone overboard with one feature, making it a ...
Didn't we just see these? Sort of. The Heavy Support of the Mechanicum is rolling out on a new EPIC scale with Legions ...
Gerry is joined by the team from Cubicle 7 to take a first look at the plans for the Warhammer: The Horus Heresy Roleplaying Game which is planned to be released in 2026. The designers dive into why ...
Bungie quietly buffed one of Destiny 2’s worst Nightfall underperformers and not it’s a DPS machine that demands to be farmed ...