Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai flogged himself six times Friday morning. In a shocking video shared by news agency ANI, Mr Annamalai stands, shirtless in a green lungi, with a large whip in his ...
To criticise the state government and Police for their "apathy" in handling the sexual assault case of a student of Anna University, K Annamalai, Tamil Nadu BJP president flogged himself outside ...
BJP State president K. Annamalai on Monday (December 30, 2024) criticised Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin’s comment that “a woman entering college or pursuing research means a social ...
Chennai: State BJP president K Annamalai whipped himself in public outside his house in Coimbatore on Friday morning in the presence of his supporters, some of whom rushed in and stopped him from ...
K Annamalai, the firebrand chief of Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) Tamil Nadu unit, commented on superstar Thalapathy Vijay's move to float his own political party -- Tamilaga Vetri Kazhagam (TVK).
Slamming the criticism over the whiplash protest by Tamil Nadu BJP President K. Annamalai, Karnataka BJP said that as a mark of protest, Annamalai symbolically inflicted lashes on himself with a ...
Clad in a green dhoti, a bare-chested Annamalai took a whip from his party worker and whipped himself repeatedly in front of his residence in Coimbatore Tamil Nadu BJP chief K. Annamalai flogs himself ...
BJP president K Annamalai announced he would not wear footwear till the DMK government is removed, protesting police handling of the Anna University rape case. He criticized the police for ...