Outfit bukber alias buka puasa bersama Nagita Slavina berikut ini memiliki harga yang terbilang fantastis. Ya, Nagita Slavina ...
Jakarta, IDN Times - IRRESSRAMADHAN kembali hadir di Main Atrium, Gandaria City pada 19-23 Maret 2025 untuk memenuhi segala ...
Paris Fashion Week untuk koleksi Fall/Winter baru saja selesai diselenggarakan dari 3 sampai dengan 11 Maret. Selama Paris ...
Seperti biasanya, Victoria Beckham selalu mendapat dukungan keluarganya. Seluruh keluarganya hadir menyaksikan dari barisan ...
The vibes: Located on the second floor of the trendy Baan Trok Tua Ngork, Namsu was designed by Saran Yen Penya of 56th Studio, whom you know from the popular design of the tuk-tuk at Dior Gold House.
4.Accessories and chic hairdo Khushi added a touch of luxury with a pearl necklace and a Dior mini bag worth Rs 5.2 lakh approximately. Her hairstyle was equally charming as she neatly pinned back her ...
In the twilight of the gilded age, the show starts with a murder that strikes the estate of an eccentric and failing tycoon. As he hosts the era’s biggest celebrities including Thomas Edison, Edgar ...
Dalam gambar tersebut, Bunga terlihat anggun mengenakan gaun hitam strapless dan membawa tas Dior, sementara Sukhdev tampil menawan dengan jas biru serta kemeja putih. Dalam foto itu, Bunga tampak ...
KAOS was cancelled by Netflix after one season and new data reveals it was the most watched series to be axed in the second half of 2024 before it joined the likes of My Lady Jane, Dead Boy Detectives ...
Kaos, the Greek mythology comedy starring Jeff Goldblum, was Netflix’s most-watched canceled series in the second half of last year. The series scored 20.3M views in that six-month period.
Dalam acara makan siang bersama ini, para tahanan kompak mengenakan kaos berwarna biru. Mereka juga memakai kopiah warna putih. Komika Rony Imanuel atau Mongol dihadirkan untuk menghibur para tahanan.