A Turkish student living and studying lawfully in the U.S. was arrested by federal immigration officers. A lawyer explains to NPR some of the basic rights people have in such a situation.
Invoking their constitutional right to remain silent — commonly known as pleading the Fifth Amendment — can sometimes be held ...
I’m just nervous they’re only going to see that and not the effort I’ve been trying to make to succeed in my classes.” ...
The neighbors have a fenced-off yard and multiple dogs. Our property is not fenced, and we have no animals. For some reason, ...
If you feel trapped—in a job you hate or an unsatisfying relationship—it's easy to give up and feel depressed. The key is ...
Whether you are receiving harsh continual criticism or criticism thinly veiled as unsolicited advice, the feelings associated ...
You're going to have to put in a lot of work and engage in honest communication. Own your mistakes, address past issues, seek ...
If you plan on driving along the Schuylkill Expressway in Philadelphia this weekend, plan an alternate route. And people who ...
There's an ongoing battle to save a part of this planet from destructive mining that most people don't know about. Not only ...
The fluoride debate intensifies as Utah bans the mineral in drinking water, citing costs and individual choice ...
TFP sports editor and storyteller extraordinaire Stephen Hargis shares the skinny on a pitcher in the Sequatchie Valley who ...
Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death in the U.S. A highway patrol officer explains how drivers should handle ...