Lowcountry glaucoma patients will soon have a new option for safer and more efficient laser eye treatment thanks to doctors ...
Traditional dental treatments, such as fillings, involve adding foreign materials to the tooth to restore function temporarily, they do not regenerate the tooth’s natural structure. Regenerating ...
Why should you clean your tongue? Your tongue, unlike your teeth, has a rough surface that’s full of many peaks and troughs that are the perfect place for bacteria to settle and thrive. In fact, your ...
Taking steps to protect the eye and avoiding certain activities is important during recovery from cataract surgery. These include avoiding bending over and vigorous sneezing or coughing.
Similar to evidence found in previous research, the findings suggest that treating gum disease may help prevent Alzheimer's disease, even in individuals with initially normal cognition, according to ...
Medication, laser, and surgery are all methods of treating glaucoma according to Jonathan Eisengart, MD. Jonathan Eisengart, MD, an ophthalmologist at Cleveland Clinic, explained how different ...
In some cases, the cause is unknown and can also occur after previous surgical procedures on the stomach. "Gastroparesis affects millions of people around the world," said Dr. Matthew Kroh, Chief of ...
EVERY health programme includes a diet component and perhaps you find this to be very bothersome and uninteresting since you may feel that you cannot afford an expensive diet and lifestyle or you ...
Coronary artery bypass surgery is a procedure to treat coronary heart disease. There are various types, including multiple bypass and minimally invasive. The medical name for coronary artery or ...
Laser treatment has emerged as a leading option for removing scars. Lasers direct heat at small areas of scar tissue, decreasing blood supply and destroying the irregular tissue. This procedure is ...