From its origins in a garage to becoming one of the most recognisable symbols in the world, explore the story behind the iconic Apple logo design. Apple is a company that has changed the technology ...
Terkait dasar hukum pemblokiran sertifikat tanah, pemerintah juga telah mengaturnya dalam Permen ATR/BPN No. 13 Tahun 2017 tentang Tata Cara Blokir dan Sita. Disebutkan dalam Pasal 3 ayat 1 beleid ...
Unite.AI is committed to rigorous editorial standards. We may receive compensation when you click on links to products we review. Please view our affiliate disclosure. Creating a strong brand identity ...
Aman menyebut nama BPN karena menurutnya proses penerbitan Sertifikat Hak Guna Bangunan (SHGB) dan SHM dilakukan melalui proses di BPN. "Karena terbitnya SHGB dan SHM juga kan tanpa ada pihak BPN, ...
JAKARTA, HARIANHALUAN.ID – Biro Hubungan Masyarakat (Humas) Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Badan Pertanahan Nasional (ATR/BPN) menyelenggarakan rapat uji konsekuensi atas permohonan Kantor ...
Pro Bowl quarterback Joe Burrow has made it crystal clear how he wants the Cincinnati Bengals to approach this offseason. Do whatever it takes to ensure that wide receiver Ja'Marr Chase, edge ...
First of a two-part look at border life. Last year, Elmer—whose last name is withheld because he fears deportation—traveled alone by foot, truck, and bus from Colombia to the Mexico-Texas ...
Menteri ATR/BPN Nusron Wahid menegaskan informasi mengenai dirinya batal mencabut SHGB dan SHM di area pagar laut tidak benar. Ketahui cara balik nama sertifikat tanah jika pemilik lama sudah ...
JAKARTA, - Menteri Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional (ATR/BPN) Nusron Wahid mengumumkan enam pegawai yang terlibat kasus terbitnya sertifikat di area pagar laut di ...
Meanwhile, Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning (ATR)/Head of the National Land Agency (BPN) Nusron Wahid stated that people who followed the 'Kabur Aja Dulu' trend seemed to show a lack of ...