Tick off 15 African countries – among them, Gabon, Sao Tome and Principe and Liberia – on a 37-day cruise up the west coast, ...
In a world that feels increasingly at odds, Kenya’s Baringo giraffes showcase how a common cause can unite communities.
The 'tough love' of a mother tiger teaching her cub, won the Nature’s Best Photography contest awarding amazing shots of ...
Five lions were sprawled out and sunning on rocks alongside Kenya’s Voi River. Hippos wallowed nearby. Elephants drank and ...
Explore the picturesque Tsavo National Park, where lions roam free, and marvel at the giraffes at the Giraffe Center. Journey to the stunning Masai Mara and the serene Lake Nakuru, offering ...
Kenya’s share of the Serengeti plains includes the Maasai Mara National Reserve (583 square miles) and the Greater Mara, a wildlife and human-inhabited area of about 2,500 square miles.
And no, they are not part of a martial arts club. They are Maasai girls living at a boarding school in Transmara in western Kenya, which doubles up as a rescue center for teens who have escaped ...
A total of five Masai giraffes now call the Sacramento Zoo home. The new baby marks the 22nd giraffe calf to be born at the Sacramento Zoo since 1954. Amirah had previously given birth back in ...
A Metro Detroit photo showing a dead giraffe in the bed of a pickup truck is real. Darren Wehner, a taxidermist and big game hunter, verified the authenticity of the animal. Wehner said the ...