En la jornada, els inversors estaran pendents de la publicació de les actes de l’última reunió del Banc Central Europeu ...
The heart of the Spanish city was largely spared by the October deluge, and tourism to the region will benefit recovery.
Speaking to Virgilio Martínez— undeniably Peru's most lauded chef of the past decade—it's clear that being the brains behind ...
La caiguda de l’euríbor dona ales a les vendes de pisos i impulsa la contractació d’hipoteques a nivells de fa quinze anys ...
“It’s all about ingredients in Valencia,” says Steve Anderson ... Much of that produce is piled up on stalls at the city’s ...
L'Associació de Venedors del Mercat Central de València ha iniciat una campanya de recollida de fons per a la compra de deshumidificadors "tan necessaris en este moment" en les localitats ...
King Felipe and his family made an unexpected trip to one of the worst affected villages in October’s floods. The royals traveled to Catarroja, a village near the city of Valencia, on Sunday ...
But, as he looks around him and remembers the destruction caused by the flash floods which struck the eastern Spanish region of Valencia on ... Others criticise the central government for failing ...
Officials at Aemet, the state weather agency, tried repeatedly to reach the Valencia government’s emergency co-ordination centre by phone, but without success. A central government account of ...
The charming streets of Valencia’s old town embody the Mediterranean lifestyle, with shopping, gastronomy and cultural events radiating out from the bustling Mercado Central. To delve deeper ...
Una trentena d'expositors seran presents a partir d'aquest dissabte al Palau de Fires de Girona en motiu de la inaugració de la pista de gel, que estarà oberta fins al 6 de gener. Així, hi haurà una ...
El Mercat Central de València ha decorat el Mercat ... per a accelerar el creixement econòmic de tota la província de Valencia. Un sector comercial sòlid és la baula essencial perquè tota ...