BUT LET'S BRING IT TO A VET AND SCAN IT FIRST, BECAUSE IT MIGHT HAVE TORN ITS COLLAR ... cat. Her owners said she cuddles with them every chance she gets and has developed a new "meow," possibly ...
There's good news for the Ambler family of Londonderry, New Hampshire. The family is celebrating the return of their beloved family black cat, Kumiko, who has been missing since March. Kumiko has had ...
Columbia Animal Services is holding two adoption events this weekend. On Saturday, Feb. 1, Its Meow or Never. The shelter will offer free cat adoptions from 9 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon.
Time is running out to take advantage of the new year’s adoption special this month. All adoptions at Columbia Animal Services are only $1 on Friday, Jan. 31, and all pets are eligible. The shelter is ...
Then “Pack Ice Season” arrived. That was the term the department of tourism was encouraging citizens to use in an attempt to ...
There's a reason cats are said to have nine lives, and Mittens the Maine Coon probably agrees. After joining her family on a ...
The Furbo 360 Cams even alerts you when your dog or cat is looking directly at the camera (which it calls a selfie), has been barking or meowing for ... pet tracker or GPS collar for additional ...
Cats respond to praise, Thom said. He tells the story of one rescue named Winky, who had to have surgery for mastitis and kept kicking off her collar and reopening her wound. Instead of scolding her ...
However, my first MS-5 collar lasted 3 1/2 years and ... The only downside to the unit is that my indoor cat has figured out how to go to the door and meow so that the dogs will let her out.
City of Columbia Animal Services will start February off strong with two free adoption events this weekend. The Saturday, Feb. 1, "Meow or Never" adoption event for cats will take place at the ...