In 1880, when Social Security’s baby name lists start, Milo ranked 339th. It slowly dropped, leaving the top thousand in 1966. Now, it's bouncing back.
Milo Manheim on School Spirits Season 2, ... he truly built up the courage, at 15 years old, to audition for the film series that would change his life, the 2018 Disney cult musical hit, Zombies. ...
Milo Manheim is offering a little taste of what’s to come in Zombies 4! The 24-year-old actor will be reprising his role as ...
Milo Manheim (born March 6 ... He is best known for portraying Zed in the Disney Channel original movie series “Zombies" and as Ryan in Spyglass' Thanksgiving (2023). He is also featured ...
Milo Manheim is a theater kid to his core ... to audition for the film series that would change his life, the 2018 Disney cult musical hit, Zombies. Fast forward to Manheim's early 20s, and ...