It's rare that Disney princesses go forgotten, with many of the company's most underrated animated films revolving around different subject matter. Some of these movies simply failed to resonate ...
Despite the character’s headstrong resilience to open her restaurant in 1920s New Orleans, and her independence and wit, Tiana belongs to one of Disney’s most underrated movies. Her ...
Much of it is Disney-themed, like the artists from Wonderground Gallery who create their own takes on classic movie scenes. And though some of what you see is as corporate as you might expect at ...
1997’s The Lost World: Jurassic Park has a divisive reputation, but it is the most underrated movie in the Jurassic Park franchise. To be sure, the T-Rexes are still very much the main dino ...
Pictures and New Line Cinema’s back catalogs have quietly found their way to the most ... owned films have been dropped in full and for free on YouTube, including John Milius’ underrated ...
But when it comes to tentpole projects, studios don’t just want them (or any other movie, though it’s especially true with high investment tentpoles) to break even. They need them to soar.