If you’re a coffee-lover, especially if you drink coffee frequently, then you should invest in the best possible coffee ...
Results of a phase I/II clinical trial of CALEC, limbal epithelial cell grafts generated by an innovative and rigorously standardized manufacturing protocol, showing safety and feasibility for ...
Stem-cell differentiation is the process by which a more specialised cell is formed from a stem cell, leading to loss of some of the stem cell's developmental potential. Stem-cell differentiation ...
Here we describe pathogen-induced changes in the proteome of Populus trichocarpa stem tissue in response to Sphaerulia musiva (Septoria canker). This hemibiotrophic fungal pathogen causes stem canker ...
A stem cell transplant (SCT), also known as a bone marrow transplant (BMT), lets doctors give higher doses of treatment to try to cure acute myeloid leukemia (AML). This treatment is intense, and not ...
Apicomplexans are ubiquitous intracellular parasites of animals. These parasites use a programmed sequence of secretory events to find, invade, and then re-engineer their host cells to enable parasite ...
A stem cell transplant (SCT) is a common treatment for multiple myeloma, especially in people who are younger and otherwise fairly healthy. It can often help people live longer and keep the myeloma in ...
This manuscript will be of broad interest to those working in the genetics of complex diseases, with the results strongly supporting the author's primary claims. Overall, this is an important study ...
The Center for STEM Education offers Certificate, M.S., and Ph.D. programs in STEM education as well as opportunities to collaborate on STEM education research. Why a class, certificate, or degree in ...