Researchers have found in a new study that patients with periodontal disease (PD) have significantly higher odds of ...
The concentrations of IAA needed are physiological, and the whole phenomenon appears identical with that of normal apical dominance. Nevertheless, the question remains as to whether the same ...
Abscesses hurt for a reason. Painful and often unsightly, these pockets of pus form due to bacterial infections. While they are not always lasting or chronic, they can be a recurring challenge for ...
Apical periodontitis, a chronic and hard-to-treat dental infection, affects more than half of the population worldwide and is the leading cause of tooth loss. Root canal is the standard treatment ...
The collective data were presented as descriptive statistics. Results: Almost all endodontists reported using drugs for pain management, mainly for apical abscess (65.8%) and irreversible pulpitis (61 ...
The secretory organelles micronemes and rhoptries mediate the first steps of invasion. Both secrete their contents through the apical complex which provides an apical opening in the parasite’s ...
Apical periodontitis is an inflammatory reaction of the periradicular tissues as a consequence of multispecies microbial communities organized as biofilms within the root canal system. Periradicular ...
Background: Post-obturation pain is frustrating to both patients and dentists. Its incidence may change with the use of contemporary endodontic techniques. This randomised clinical trial aims to ...
Apical hypokinesis was also observed ... aureus during pericardiocentesis. Subsequent formation of an abscess cavity could have then eroded into the LAD causing perforation. This seems unlikely given ...