Juriul concursului Mașina Anului în Lume a publicat lista finaliștilor ce vor concura pentru a obține titlul în acest an.
Producătorul francez pregătește un „mini supercar” electric, o continuare a seriei Renault 5 Turbo, care și-a câștigat ...
Irlanda, deținătoarea ultimelor două ediții, s-a înclinat sâmbătă după-amiază, pe teren propriu, cu 27-42 (6-8) în fața reprezentativei Franței, în penultima etapă a Turneului celor Șase Națiuni.
A series of car thefts led to the arrest of a teen in Royal Oak. Police say the thefts date back to January as the latest in a bundle of crimes by teens. The 14-year-old is facing several counts ...
Police said Maldonado, who was masked, smashed the window of a parked car while two people were in the backseat. After the suspect entered the car, one of the people in the backseat managed to get ...
We found that when adding a 16-year-old driver to a parent’s policy, the average car insurance cost jumped from $2,603 per year to $5,011 per year. That’s an average increase of 103%.
Spania retrăiește coșmarul de acum câteva luni. A plouat neîncetat și multe râuri și-au ieșit din matcă. Râul Turia, care a făcut prăpăd la inundațiile catastrofale din octombrie anul trecut, din ...
Consumer Reports’ brand ranking for used cars—focused on the reliability of 5- to 10-year-old models—makes it clear that buyers can reduce their risk of car trouble by concentrating on some ...
Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations. The value of car insurance can shine brightest after an unexpected disaster. That’s what Kathleen Flynn in Missouri discovered ...
The average monthly car payment is $742 for new cars and $525 for used. Several factors determine your payment. Many, or all, of the products featured on this page are from our advertising ...
VWAGY, TM, and STLA lead the 10 biggest car companies list Gordon Scott has been an active investor and technical analyst or 20+ years. He is a Chartered Market Technician (CMT). Monty Rakusen ...