A datacentre in essence delivers connectivity, often connecting multiple people or customers with racks, compute equipment and the rest. Adding quantum compute as part of an overall compute resource ...
The distinguishing transport characteristics of our kinked nanopore array, namely, linear dependence of translocation time on polymer molecular weight and quadratic dependence of translocation ...
We document that German inflation-linked government bond yields contain a convenience or safety premium averaging 0.33 percent. Yet, the German Federal Finance Agency decided to cease all future ...
Starting off with words that include commonly used vowels, for example, e and a, consonants such as r and t, and sound sequences might be helpful. Choosing a word that starts with q, z ...
Boost your SBI Clerk 2025 Prelims preparation with important topics & questions from Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, and ...
In this edition: Privacy enhancements for multiparty deep learning; using smaller, open-source models to provide relevance judgments; new tool uses AI, data to ...
CREsted is a Python package for training sequence-based deep learning models on scATAC-seq data, for capturing enhancer code and for designing cell type-specific sequences.