“Unicorn” bounces all over the place and rams into too many genres. The central relationship between Ridley (Jenna Ortega) ...
The balance of tones in Death of a Unicorn is effective, once we actually get to the carnage, though that takes a little while. First, there’s the inciting incident, with uptight lawyer Elliot (Paul ...
"Death of a Unicorn," writer-director Alex Scharfman's feature debut, is about just what it sounds like. Paul Rudd, Jenna ...
If you want a movie where a unicorn violently kills people, 'Death of a Unicorn' is it. This is THE movie for that and it delivers.
The title of the movie, which stars Paul Rudd and Jenna Ortega, gives away the overly long film's only surprise, writes Moira ...
Meanwhile, Elliot is torn between his desire to make his daughter happy and his determination to appease his obscenely rich clients. None too subtly, Death of a Unicorn becomes a battle not only ...