Bad breath can usually be improved with thorough oral hygiene. I’m not just talking about brushing your teeth and flossing.
Nearly a quarter of five-year-olds in Ashfield have dental decay, new figures suggest. The British Dental Association said there has been "no progress" on the rollout of Labour manifesto pledges to ...
Calculus bridges can cause bad breath. The answer here ... scalers and ultrasonic instruments to carefully remove calculus deposits from the teeth," said Michael J. Wei, DDS, FIADFE, a cosmetic ...
Rotten baby teeth are treated with fillings or — if the decay is extensive — extraction. But baby teeth fill certain spaces in the mouth, so their early removal may lead to crowding when adult ...
The new year is the perfect time to set new health goals and make appointments to take care of yourself and your family’s health needs, and ...
A child in excruciating pain from teeth so rotten they are nothing more than stumps must wait an average of 18 months to get surgical help, writes the editor. Which is why the Crisafulli ...