„Maskis laulja“ teises saates astusid haaravate laulunumbritega lavale neli osalejat: Rebane, Karvakoll, Vana Toomas ja ...
Pius Kamau, M.D., a retired general surgeon, is president of the Aurora-based Africa America Higher Education Partnerships; co-founder of the Africa Enterprise Group and an activist for minority ...
As Alina is apprehended, young journalist Pille (Saara Pius) starts writing about the case, going on a dark journey herself. “Lighter genres and stories are definitely an easier sell during ...
She desperately tries to regain her power – her daughter becomes her tool.” As Alina is apprehended, young journalist Pille (Saara Pius) starts writing about the case, going on a dark journey herself.
22. detsembri saates esinesid muusikaliste etteastetega Reigo Tamm, Saara Pius, Oskar Seeman, Anett Kulbin, Liis Lemsalu ja Ant Nurhan. Samal ajal tutvustati televaatajatele viie abivajaja - Roosi, ...