Is There a Link Between Chronic Knee Pain and Depression? Studies show there’s a big connection between chronic knee pain and depression. Learn how you can feel better and find relief.
Reach out to a healthcare provider if you have severe or disabling knee pain, especially if it occurs with other symptoms like a fever.
Injections for knee pain are one of many different treatments that we can offer patients depending on their diagnosis. Most of the time we won't use injections without having a patient participate ...
Sometimes knee ... sharp crystals form in the joint causing sudden bouts of pain, swelling, and tenderness. Nighttime attacks ("flares") are 2.4 times more common than attacks during the day ...
Background Patellofemoral pain (PFP) has traditionally been viewed as self-limiting, but recent studies show that a large proportion of patients report chronic knee pain at long-term follow-up. We ...