In August of that year, Hubble made one of its first discoveries, capturing a glowing 1.3 light-years diameter elliptical ring of gas around the center of the explosion of supernova 1987A on the ...
Illustration of a supernova X-ray blast wave. (Credit: NASA/CXC/M. Weiss) Lead author Caitlyn Nojiri is now applying for graduate school and hopes to get a Ph.D. in astrophysics. Isolated by mountains ...
To emphasize the point, the most recent supernova to be visible to the naked eye, SN 1987A, exploded on the outskirts of 30 Doradus. And from the ashes of this and other dead stars, the beautiful ...
Explosions in the sky and explosions on land are literally worlds apart. A supernova and a land mine explosion don't seem like they would have much in common. But at the fine level, their ...
Hidden within the southern sky, the Vela constellation holds a cosmic masterpiece — the stunning remnants of a supernova explosion from 11,000 years ago. This mesmerizing scene, captured in exquisite ...
"When a star dies, it can explode in a supernova, causing a strong shock wave and forming an interstellar object called a supernova remnant," wrote an international team of scientists in a paper ...
This illustration depicts NSF–DOE Vera C. Rubin Observatory capturing light from supernovae, the explosive deaths of massive stars. These cosmic beacons are important for studying the expansion of the ...
This infrared image from the James Webb Space Telescope, released by NASA on Aug. 31, 2023, shows internal details of the evolving supernova 1987a that have never been observed in the visible spectrum ...