Synopsis: The film focuses on Mufasa’s (voiced by Pierre) childhood and the origins of the Pride Lands. As a young and lost cub, Mufasa meets the sympathetic lion Taka (voiced by Harrison). Together, ...
Timon and Pumbaa are iconic characters within the larger Disney canon, and Eichner and Rogen do well in those parts. The pair are even stand outs in the 2019 film, so it makes sense why they would ...
Zazu (Preston Nyman), is the source of comic relief, much like Timon and Pumbaa. In a scene, Mufasa says “You [Rafiki] are sitting on a pond with your eyes closed” to which the wise monkey ...
Elaine has uncovered evidence of Cindy’s affair with Junior (Picture: BBC) Friday’s episode of the BBC soap saw none other than Elaine Knight (Harriet Thorpe) stumble upon evidence of the pair ...
Disney invites you to revisit its photo ... Billy Eichner and Seth Rogen will be back as meerkat Timon and warthog Pumbaa, while Black Panther star John Kani will once again provide the voice ...
EDMONTON -- While the adults are away, the kids will play. The Edmonton Oilers are the adults in this situation. They will have a Christmas break to rest and recharge from the regular season grind.
The Disney Junior section is home to absolutely top tier animated shows like Bluey (which, for my money, is worth the price of admission on its own). There's way more on offer, too, including a ...
If 2024 will be remembered for anything, it will be the absolute return of Disney at the box office. After a string of events films that weren’t events in 2023, i.e. Pixar’s Elemental ...
Talks started and finished on the same day, after Disney decided that fighting the lawsuit could potentially hurt the company and protections for the press. By Brooks Barnes Reporting from Los ...