Movie reviewer Joshua Hill says 'The Brutalist,' an epic look at architect László Toth's journey through America as an ...
The Brutalist.' László Tóth's story runs counter to the real-life experience of Marcel Breuer, Ernő Goldfinger and others ...
It's not until the epilogue of The Brutalist that the audience receives the full picture of what they've been watching ...
Visions.  Visions of the American Dream. Visions of one’s art, fully realized. Visions of one’s creation being tarnished by others. These elements encompass Brady Corbet’s ...
I joined the University of Sheffield in 1988 as a postdoctoral researcher and was working on the development and implementation of a novel genetic screening approach. This is based on detecting the ...
Tóth Vera többször beszélt már arról, hogy inzulinrezisztenciával küzd, így elsősorban az egészsége érdekében vágott bele az életmódváltásba évekkel ezelőtt. Kitartásának köszönhetően ötven kilót ...